These Are the People Who Died in Connection With the Capitol Riot

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Politics|These Are the People Who Died successful Connection With the Capitol Riot

Though determination is disagreement implicit the decease toll, a bipartisan Senate study recovered that astatine slightest 7 radical mislaid their lives successful transportation with the attack.

A memorial successful  Washington past  twelvemonth  for Officer Brian D. Sicknick of the Capitol Police, who was attacked by the mob storming the Capitol past  Jan. 6.
Credit...Anna Moneymaker for The New York Times

Chris Cameron

Jan. 5, 2022, 6:39 p.m. ET

As the House prime committee investigating Jan. 6 expands its inquiry, a twelvemonth aft a mob of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, the decease toll from the battle is being disputed.

At slightest 7 people, including 3 instrumentality enforcement officers, mislaid their lives successful transportation with the attack, according to a bipartisan Senate report released successful June. About 150 officers from the Capitol Police, the Metropolitan Police Department and section agencies were injured, and hundreds of workers were traumatized by the mob. But the full fig of fatalities stemming from the battle has been contested amid a governmental conflict implicit work for the worst onslaught connected the Capitol successful centuries.

Republican lawmakers and blimpish commentators, aiming to downplay oregon contradict the scope of the unit connected Jan. 6, person sought to rewrite history by reducing the decease toll oregon inaccurately portraying the victims.

“It was Trump supporters who mislaid their lives that day,” Representative Jody B. Hice, Republican of Georgia, said astatine a House proceeding successful May. “Not Trump supporters who were taking the lives of others.”

A big connected the right-wing tv web Newsmax falsely claimed a period aft the riot that only 1 idiosyncratic had died.

In its last report, the House committee could measurement successful connected an authoritative decease toll from the mob violence. Public hearings planned for the coming months could besides analyse much intimately the circumstances successful which each idiosyncratic died and the culpability of the mob successful those deaths.

The 7 radical cited successful the Senate study see 4 Trump supporters. Ashli Babbitt, an Air Force veteran, was fatally changeable by a Capitol Police serviceman arsenic rioters tried to breach the House chamber. Kevin D. Greeson died of a bosom attack, collapsing connected the sidewalk westbound of the Capitol connected Jan. 6. Rosanne Boyland appeared to person been crushed successful a stampede of chap rioters arsenic they surged against the police. And Benjamin Philips, the laminitis of a pro-Trump website called Trumparoo, died of a stroke.

Mr. Greeson and Mr. Philips died of earthy causes, the Washington aesculapian examiner said successful April. He added that Ms. Boyland’s decease was caused by an accidental overdose.

The 3 instrumentality enforcement officials included successful the Senate report’s decease toll are Officer Brian D. Sicknick of the Capitol Police, who was attacked by the mob and died connected Jan. 7; Officer Jeffrey Smith of the Metropolitan Police Department, who killed himself aft the attack; and Officer Howard S. Liebengood of the Capitol Police, who besides died by termination 4 days afterward.

The Capitol Police had antecedently said that Mr. Sicknick died from injuries sustained “while physically engaging with protesters.” The Washington aesculapian examiner aboriginal ruled that helium had died of earthy causes: aggregate strokes that occurred hours aft Mr. Sicknick’s confrontation with the mob. The aesculapian examiner added, however, that “all that transpired played a relation successful his condition.”

Key Figures successful the Jan. 6 Inquiry

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Two different Metropolitan Police officers — Gunther Hashida and Kyle DeFreytag — besides died by termination successful July, six months aft the riot and a period aft the Senate study was released. The constabulary agencies person not classified the 4 suicides arsenic “line of duty” deaths that would provide the victims’ families with enhanced benefits. Washington instrumentality excludes termination deaths from the line-of-duty designation.

Democratic lawmakers person sought to see the constabulary suicides arsenic deaths that occurred successful transportation with Jan. 6. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Democrat of New York, said connected Twitter successful October that the Capitol riot was “a panic attack” that near “almost 10 dead,” a toll that seemingly included the 4 suicides.

Other Democratic members of Congress person lobbied for the constabulary suicides to beryllium designated arsenic line-of-duty deaths. Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine, and Representatives Jennifer Wexton and Donald S. Beyer Jr., all Democrats of Virginia, wrote to Mayor Muriel E. Bowser of Washington successful October asking that Officer Smith beryllium granted a line-of-duty decease designation.

“Officer Jeffrey Smith was a mentally steadfast idiosyncratic who received a stroke to the head, began to grounds symptoms helium had ne'er exhibited before, and 9 days aboriginal died by suicide,” the lawmakers’ missive said. “The mentation for this calamity seems clear.”

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