Merrick Garland Sends A Warning To Trump That Nobody Is Off Limits In 1/6 Investigation

2 years ago 571

Attorney General Merrick Garland didn’t get circumstantial astatine his property conference, but helium sent a wide connection to those astatine the apical of the 1/6 plot.


Garland signals that nary 1 is off-limits successful the 1/6 investigation, DOJ "remains committed to holding each January 6 perpetrators astatine immoderate level accountable nether law. Whether they were contiguous that time oregon were different criminally liable for astatine brackish connected our democracy."

— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) January 5, 2022

Garland said:

The actions we person taken frankincense far volition not beryllium our last. The justness section remains committed to holding all January 6 perpetrators astatine any level accountable nether law, whether they were contiguous that day oregon were otherwise criminally liable for the assault connected our democracy. 

We volition travel the facts wherever they lead. Because January 6 was an unprecedented onslaught connected the seat of our democracy, we understand that determination is simply a wide public involvement successful our investigation. We recognize that determination are questions astir however agelong the investigation volition instrumentality and about what precisely we are doing. 

Garland’s remarks were a connection to those who are oregon were astatine the highest levels of powerfulness successful authorities that if they participated successful Trump’s attempted coup, they are not supra the law.

Attorney General Garland spent overmuch of his property league explaining the investigative process and wherefore it is taking the DOJ truthful agelong to get to the radical astatine the apical of the coup plot.

The probe whitethorn not beryllium going arsenic accelerated arsenic immoderate would like, but Garland’s remarks marque it wide that helium is being methodical, and nary 1 has taken disconnected of the array for imaginable prosecution.

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