CDC Director Walensky Believes U.S. Has Not Yet Reached Peak of Omicron Surge

2 years ago 540

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky says she believes the United States has not yet reached the highest of the Omicron surge arsenic much Americans person continued to trial affirmative for the highly contagious variant of the coronavirus.

“The mode it has peaked successful different countries — successful South Africa, it has travel down rapidly arsenic well,” she said, noting that the mean regular cases reached 491,700 infections, aft reaching a precocious of astir 1 cardinal cases confirmed connected Monday. “But I don’t judge we’ve seen that highest present successful the United States.”

“So there’s a batch we tin bash close present successful this infinitesimal getting vaccinated, getting boosted,” she said. “We person 99 percent of our counties successful precocious transmission. Wear your disguise successful nationalist indoor settings.”

“I don’t judge we’ve seen the highest yet present successful the United States.” –@CDCDirector Rochelle Walensky connected the latest surge successful COVID-19 cases owed to the omicron variant

— TODAY (@TODAYshow) January 7, 2022

Walensky’s interrogation comes arsenic she and the bureau look disapproval for issuing often confusing COVID-19 guidance.

“With the microorganism throwing 1 curveball aft another, changing proposal from the CDC is simply a given,” The New York Times reported Wednesday. “But Dr. Walensky’s critics accidental the CDC’s recommendations are sometimes truthful confusing oregon abruptly modified that they look much similar drafts than afloat vetted proclamations.”

The quality outlet notes that she has “stumbled in explaining her argumentation decisions” arsenic galore Americans pushback against the agency’s determination to shorten the isolation play for those who go infected with Omicron amid nationwide staffing shortages.

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