Biden Will Address Nation on Omicron Surge

2 years ago 507

President Joe Biden volition address the federation connected Tuesday day astir the Omicron surge, the caller highly contagious variant of the coronavirus that has caused hospitals crossed the state to overflow.

“In the briefing, the President volition perceive astir the latest resources and unit being sent to states and section communities to assistance with staffing needs and infirmary capacity, and the ongoing enactment to grow entree to COVID-19 treatments,” a White House authoritative said.

“He volition besides perceive astir the latest information connected the Omicron variant, including that portion cases proceed to increase, afloat vaccinated and boosted Americans that get infected are not apt to person terrible symptoms,” the authoritative added.

More than 1.08 cardinal radical crossed the state tested affirmative for Covid-19 connected Monday, a planetary record, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. The information comes aft millions of Americans gathered for the holidays to conscionable their families and friends.

The grounds is almost treble the erstwhile grounds of astir 590,000, acceptable 4 days before.

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